Search Results for: contract assembly

About ISSC-Kanson

Made in the USA Veteran owned Kanson Electronics develops innovation solutions for specific contract assembly problems. Over the years, our dedication, honesty, experience and one-on-one personalized service has led to continuous growth in the assembly field. We are now an established, globally recognized supplier for companies ranging from small businesses to Fortune 200s. Our line of ISSC timers and sensors have been US manufactured since 1963, while Kanson Electronics has been…

Manufacturing Capabilities

All of our manufacturing capabilities for  Kanson's Electronics and Modor Plastics are injection molding, timers, sensors, motion detectors and electronic assembly are 100% Made in the USA. We are proud to be an American manufacturing company located in Middle Tennessee. Electronics Capabilities  Kanson Electronics also specializes in assembling wiring harnesses and contract manufacturing of PC boards, PC board assembly, and many items associated with the electronics industry. Plastics Capabilities  Modor Plastics has…

Retention Rods

65048 RETENTION ROD The 65048 retention rod is a small plastic filament with a big responsibility. It is designed to fit AAA176HF7 assemblies and 66116 PV housings, which are often used in elevator backplane assemblies. The retention rod keeps circuit guards in place, protecting elevator control equipment. Every time an elevator that uses the 65048 retention rod is serviced, the retention rod is broken and replaced. Major elevator manufacturers such…
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